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Instructions for Final Paper Submissions for Proceedings

All accepted Papers (only if you would like your paper published in the Proceedings, which is optional), Panels, Alternative Events, and Posters must be revised per any recommendations made by the reviewers.

Final submissions must be formatted according to the AM23 Proposal Template Instructions. Be sure to add the author and co-author names, along with their affiliation and email address to the top of your paper under the title. When making revisions, be sure that the page count does not exceed the page limits noted in the template instructions including title and abstract (not more than 200 words), not including references (do not include appendices).

Once revised, please upload the final document using the template only as a .doc or .docx file in the ConfTool submission system. Please use the following naming convention for uploaded files:

Long and Short Paper (only if you would like your paper published in the Proceedings, which is optional):

  • [first author’s last name, first initial] AM23LongPaper or AM23ShortPaper respectively (Example: Last, Initial AM23LongPaper.doc, Last, Initial AM23ShortPaper.doc)


  • [first panelist’s last name, first initial] AM23Panel (Example: Last, Initial AM23Panel.doc)

Alternative Event:

  • [first panelist’s last name, first initial] AM23AE (Example: Last, Initial AM23AE.doc)


  • [first author’s last name, first initial] AM23Poster (Example: Last, Initial AM23Poster.doc)


Please download the AM23 Proposal Template Instructions.



All submissions must be submitted here:

Submission site will open 1 February 2023

Watch the Conference Website for updates:

The 2023 ASIS&T Annual Meeting will be a fully in-person meeting without virtual attendance or presentation options.