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PhD student positions in Library and Information Science

One or two PhD student positions in Library and Information Science 

at the Department of Archival Science, Library and Information Science, Museology and Cultural Heritage Studies (ALM) with starting date September 1, 2016 at the earliest.

Education at the doctoral level consists of 4 years doctoral studentship (doktorandanställning). Doctoral students are expected to pursue their studies full-time and actively take part in the department’s activities. Departmental duties (typically teaching and administration) at a level of at most 20% can be included in the positions.

Doctoral education in Library and Information Science is regulated by the general study plan: > Forskning > Utbildning på forskarnivå.

Qualifications required:  Applicants must have a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, Archival Science, Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies or a corresponding degree in a nearby field.

For regulations, see Uppsala University’s guidelines for doctoral studies

Application: Applications should include

  • short CV,
  • verified copy of the degree certificate for a relevant master’s degree (or equivalent) and a diploma supplement,
  • research plan (see below),
  • copies of written material (e.g. Master’s thesis) and other relevant documentation the applicant chooses to present as a support for his/her application.
  • Research plan: The research plan shall not exceed six pages and is expected to contain a tentative heading, aim and problem statement, present the subject area and focus of the research, presentation of material, theoretical frameworks and methods to be applied, overview of earlier research (including possible on-going studies), and a preliminary timetable for the 4 years period.

Selection: The selection will be based on candidate’s ability to profit by the education. A considerable emphasis will be placed on the submitted research plans.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than May 20, 2016, UFV-PA 2016/1074. NOTE! There is a possibility to provide supplementary material to the applications until June 10, 2016 for the students who complete their undergraduate studies in the spring semester 2016 and need to complement their applications with their master’s thesis.

Check the official version of the announcement