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EUChap celebrates its ASIS&T Awards

The European Chapter is proud for its engaging and outstanding members and congratulates Peter Ingwersen, Isabella Peters and Diane Sonnenwald!

Our member Peter Ingwersen received the ASIS&T Award of Merit, honoring his outstanding contributions to the field of information science! -> Official statement (also below)

Our past Chair and Alternate Chapter Assembly Isabella Peters is Chapter Member of the Year, honoring her engagement and her great ideas she brought into the Chapter!

Our member Diane Sonnenwald, ASIS&T president 2012 and co-chair of the Anual Meeting in Copenhagen 2016, received the Watson Davis Award for her outstanding engagement within the ASIS&t community.

And last but not least, our Chapter can celebrate istself for again receiving the Chapter of the Year Award for its outstanding activtites.

On behalf of the Chair and board members, congratulations to our members!

Statement on Award of Merit, by Chair Virginia Ortiz_Repiso and Peiling Wang, Professor at School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee:

Pdf-Version: statement_2016_award-of-merit