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Governance Update, March 2022

The Board of Directors met on February 7, 2022 via video conference. In attendance were Naresh Agarwal, PhD (President);  Abebe Rorissa, PhD (President-Elect); Brian Detlor, PhD (Past President); Ina Fourie, PhD (Treasurer); Joan Bartlett, PhD; Maria Bonn, PhD; Anna Maria Tammaro, PhD; Lydia Middleton, MBA, CAE (Executive Director); and Chris Cunningham, PhD (Parliamentarian). Guests in attendance were Tina Peacher, ASIS&T Auditor and Deanna Hall, Curator.

iJASIST Journal Proposal
The Board discussed a Publications Committee proposal for a new Journal that would complement JASIST. The Board agreed to ask the Publications Committee to develop a Business Plan that woudl allow us to offer a new joural open access but at a break even cost that is sustainable over time.

Mentorship & Research Institute Proposals
The Board reviewed proposals from the Research Engagement Committee, one to launch a research mentorship program and a second to launch a research institute. The Board approved both proposals, and Naresh noted that he has formed a task force to ensure coordination of all ASIS&T mentorship programs and seek ways to expand mentorship opporutunities to all members that want it.

Strategic Plan
Lydia updated the Board on the status of achieving the objectives of the Strategic Plan, noting that we are on or ahead of schedule for all of our current objectives.

2021 Audited Financial Statements
The ASIS&T Auditor reviewed the 2021 audited financial statements which show an ending reserve balance of $2,604,276 which increased by $325,802 from FY20. The Board approved the audit.

Next Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Board will be held as follows:

Monday, April 4, 2022
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 881 7519 6399
Passcode: 301495

All members are welcome to attend as observers without voice or vote.