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Governance Update, March 2023

The Board of Directors met virtually on February 13, 2023. In attendance were Abebe Rorissa, PhD (President); Crystal Fulton (President-Elect) Naresh Agarwal, PhD (Past President); Ina Fourie, PhD (Treasurer), Joan Bartlett, PhD; Maria Bonn, PhD; Tina Du, PhD, Aylin Ilhan, PhD, Lisa Hussey, PhD, Lydia Middleton, MBA, CAE (Executive Director); and Chris Cunningham, PhD (Parliamentarian). Guest in attendance: Kimberly Granados, CAE (Deputy Executive Director), Jennifer Tan (Auditor), Shelby Bowser (Auditor)

The Board discussed the following issues:

FY 22 Audit Review
Jennifer Tan, auditor of Rogers & Company presented the FY22 financial statements and provided an overview of general auditing standards. Rogers & Company issued an unmodified opinion for the FY22 risk-based audit and found the audit free of material mistakes. The board reviewed the FY 22 financials and discussed the audit findings.

Motion: To accept the FY22 Audited Financial Statements.  Motion passed.

Consulting Feasibility Study
The board discussed and approved a proposal for a feasibility study in support of developing an ASIS&T program of acting as a contracting entity for consulting services for hire of ASIS&T members to provide advice and consultation to the private and public sectors on information challenges, as approved in 2021.

Motion: To approve the reallocation of $25,000 for the consulting program from marketing to feasibility study. Motion passed.

FY 24 Dues Increase Proposal
The Board discussed the financial impact of increasing dues for the first time in over 5 years, and the need for increased revenue to meet the goals of the organization to grow value.

Motion To approve a dues increase as noted in the Proposed Dues Structure above, to take effect July 1 of 2023.

DEIA Committee Report
The Board pulled the DEIA Committee Report from the Consent Agenda in order to discuss the report, the scope of the task force, and a proposed research project involving the ASIS&T members and the proposed publishing of the research. Prior Board approval is required for research and the Executive Director and President will follow up for additional information on the project.

Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda included:

  • Minutes of October 2022 Meeting
  • January 2023 Membership Report
  • January 2023 Merrill Lynch Statement
  • DEIA Task Force Report
  • Committee Reports

The Consent Agenda was approved.

The BOD will be meeting in early May 31 -June 2 for a strategic planning retreat. A virtual business meeting will be in conjunction with the retreat and published on ASIS&T website and in Weekly Roundup when scheduled.