28 - 31 May 2024
2024 Virtual IDEA Institute on AI – May 28-31
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a disruptive but transformative technology that can bring value to libraries by enabling increased library use, optimizing collection analysis, and enhancing the user experience. Library and information professionals must keep abreast of advances in AI technologies in order to provide innovative and value-added services, access, and collection development. Issues about inequality, discrimination, data privacy, and bias, combined with the costs and evolving nature of AI, influence the adoption of AI in academic, research, and other libraries and information environments.
How is AI impacting LIS practice?
What does the future hold for AI?
How can you implement AI in your workplace or curriculum?
Join us May 28-31 for IDEA Institute on AI to address these questions, and more. The purpose of the IDEA Institute is to build and enhance the knowledge and skills of current and future library and information professionals in AI through developing theoretical (conceptual) and practical experiences.
Topics include:
- AI and Blockchain for Libraries
- AI and Library Strategy
- AI Ethic
- AI in Information Search and Discovery
- AI Trends in Libraries: Survey of Existing LAM Projects and Efforts
- Comprehending the Semantic Essence of Text: Leveraging SÉANCE for Textual Analysis
- Conversational AI
- Data Collection, Classification, and Transformation
- Defining AI
- Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in AI Projects
- Generative AI: Large Language Models
- Identifying Opportunities and Challenges of AI in Library and Information Environments
- Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Learning to Code – Importance of Programming in Library Science
- Mastering Model Evaluation
All Access
Single Session
Student Member
Student Non-Member
Tier 2 Member Discount*
Tier 2 Student Member Discount*
*Discount is off non-member rate
Why Attend?
This formerly one-week in person event has been reimagined virtually to allow for greater global accessibility. IDEA (Innovation, Disruption, Enquiry, Access) Institute on AI is an intensive, interactive, evidence based, and applications-oriented professional development program for library and information professionals.
The virtual IDEA Institute on AI offers a variety of options for you to attend on your terms and at your convenience.
Your Schedule
Have to miss a session? All sessions will be recorded and available for viewing immediately following the conclusion of the session.
Your Peers
Connect with your peers across the world and discuss the topics important to you.
Individuals who complete at least eight of the sixteen modules will receive an ASIS&T Foundational AI Certificate recognizing their commitment to continuing education in this arena.