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Planning a Personal and A Group Strategy Around Project - Focused Leadership Within ASIS&T

In the last Leadership Development webinar, we focused on practical issues relating to budgets, membership, recent changes to webinar policies and new group communication via ASIS&T Community sites. This session will focus on applying these skills through personal and group planning around specific projects.

Jeremy L. McLaughlin, Chair, ASIS&T Leadership Committee

ASIS&T Chapters and SIGs do much more than host webinars and Workshops. The annual reporting requirements for all groups ask about membership and communications as well as publications and activities or events. During this Leadership webinar, we will help leaders across the organization set short- and long-term individual goals and related group strategies around reporting and other indicators of success.

As the second of three Leadership Development webinars planned for 2018, this session will be beneficial for all leaders within the Association. We will briefly review the annual (non-financial) reporting requirements for Chapters and SIGs and spend a majority of the session looking at project options for individuals and groups at different stages of development or with varying leadership needs. In addition to building on the discussions started in Crystal City around best practices within different ASIS&T groups (SIGS, Chapters, and Student Chapters) we will introduce a number of leadership and group management suggestions, including:

  • Create/update/migrate group website
  • Create a group logo
  • Communicate news, announcements and updates via direct-to-members email
  • Publish a group Newsletter
  • Reach out to another group to discuss possible collaborations
  • Host a special event/symposium/virtual activity
  • Host a social event at the Annual Meeting
  • Sponsor new student members ($40)
  • Apply for ASIST Awards


The third and final Leadership Development webinar session will be held on October 4, 2018 and will be related to the Leadership Development Session at the 2018 Annual Meeting in Vancouver.