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Information and Society (Meet the Authors Series)

Michael Buckland, emeritus professor, School of Information, UC Berkeley, worked as a librarian in England and the US before becoming Dean at Berkeley. He has written widely on the history and theory of information science and the design and management of library services. He was ASIS&T president in 1998.


Michael Buckland

Mr. Buckland will be interviewed by Steven Hardin, ASIS&T Parliamentarian. Michael Buckland, the author of the book entitled, “Information and Society,” will discuss the multiple reasons why a concise, comprehensive, coherent, and readable introduction to (L)IS needed and why no suitable such book had been written. He will address salient points in the book: information understood as perceived evidence: the case of the passport; the so-called “information society” is misnomer:  the rise of the document society; always three aspects: technological, intellectual/cognitive, and social; arrangement and description go together; naming, metadata, and infrastructure; search, discovery, and selection. He will also discuss what’s next: re-discovery/re-invention of bibliography as umbrella concept; and sense-making: hermeneutics.