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Preparing Information Professionals for an Uncertain and Rapidly Changing Future

“So Who’s Managing All that Organizational Information Anyway” was the title of an ASIS&T Workshop in 2015.  This Webinar continues and extends that discussion, which encompassed the degree requirements and continuing education for information professionals

Information Management Professionals include those involved with libraries/museums, archives, knowledge managers, records management and “data processing.”  All of them have the responsibility to collect, organize and provide accurate and timely information to consumers be they internal or external to their organization.  Adding value to that information is always a challenge.

How do we prepare our students for these career?   How do we prepare our users, patrons and customers to find and interpret the information?  What is the impact of future technical, organizational, and social tools and channels to make that information more effective.  How much investment to make in the accessibility of this information for generations to come?

This webinar will explore these questions and review the technical trends, organization cultures (structures, processes, and leadership) and social directions that will impact how we teach current and future professionals in information management.


Bob Rouse is Professor Emeritus, Computer Science at Washington University; he held many leadership positions at WU, including IT Strategy Director for the School of Medicine, automation lead for the Development Office, Assistant Dean, and Director of the Center for Intelligent Computing Systems. Bob is a founder of the St. Louis SIM Chapter and a Past President of Society for Information Management. For 15 years he has facilitated SIM’s Regional Leadership Forum throughout the USA. He is President of Red Eagle Advisors, a focused advisory practice for firms seeking leading edge business innovation for people+technology.  He serves as an expert witness in patent and intellectual property litigation.

Bob Rouse has helped design and facilitated leadership programs for over 20 years.  In both public and corporate programs, he has helped over 90 groups and 1500 participates find their own leadership capabilities and styles.  He serves a Director for the Regional Leadership Forum for the Society for Information Management and facilitates the  RLF in Portland, Los Angeles and Seattle.