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ASIS&T Archiving and Preservation Project Call for Proposals Now Open

ASIS&T seeks proposals from LIS faculty interested in utilizing the ASIS&T physical files as materials for a course in archiving and preservation of organizational materials.

The ASIS&T office is closing in early 2024 and all physical assets in the office must be relocated prior to office closure. The ASIS&T archives are housed at the University of Michigan where we intend to ship all materials suitable for archiving. However, the materials in the ASIS&T office have not yet been reviewed, sorted, or cataloged for archiving.

Many ASIS&T members are at institutions which offer a course or courses in archives, and those courses often provide students practical experience in archiving through hands-on work with the documents of an individual or organization. ASIS&T wishes to make its materials available to an institution for use in its curriculum. In exchange, ASIS&T would be looking for the following deliverables:

1.       A collection of materials suitable for archiving at the University of Michigan.

2.       An inventory of all materials in the collection.

3.       Guidelines explaining what criteria were used to determine if an asset was suitable for archiving or not.


The materials are available immediately and can be shipped or delivered within two weeks of selection. The final deliverables would be due to ASIS&T no later than June of 2024.

Proposals should be submitted via email to Proposals should include details of how the materials would be used to support course work in an LIS program; what measures would be taken to ensure the safety and confidentiality of materials; a project timeline; point of contact; any additional information or resources required to carry out this work.