Chapter Development Fund Guidelines
The Chapter Development Fund was established by the Board of Directors to assist Chapters that want to undertake worthwhile projects but lack sufficient funds. It also exists as an emergency or loan fund for Chapters that run into financial difficulties. The Fund is administered by the Chapter Assembly Steering Committee. The Chapter Assembly Director regularly reports to the Board of Directors and the SIG Cabinet on each use of the Fund.
Requests for funds from the Chapter Development Fund may be submitted at any time, but all submissions must follow the approved procedures and guidelines.
The Chapter Development Fund is replenished annually at the start of each fiscal year but never exceeds the Board-mandated ceiling of $20,000 at the start of the fiscal year.
- Chapter Development Fund money should be used for projects which will result in a stronger chapter, e.g., by increased membership, publicity or exposure for the chapter, or through other means.
- The money should be used to supplement local resources and be used when local efforts are insufficient, not in place of local effort.
- The proposed budget should be carefully prepared and should be scrutinized as thoroughly as a chapter's (or ASIS&T 's) annual budgets.
- The request should be considered in light of the current budgetary resources of the requesting chapter.
- Chapter Development Fund money cannot be used to pay travel expenses or honoraria for ASIS&T members.
- Actual expenditures may not be authorized without proper receipts or invoices available to ASIS&T Headquarters.