Logo Design Competition
Hello creative folks!
The special Interest Group on Education and Learning (SIG-EduLearn) invites you to participate in our Logo Design Contest! This contest will give participants the opportunity to represent an international group dedicated to advancing education and learning in the field of information science. The winner creator/designer will be featured on our website and social media platforms. In addition, the winner will receive $100 USD along with a certificate of recognition.
Contest Details
- The logo design should be creative, simple and fundamentally reflect the mission and values of SIG-EduLearn.
- Entries should be original and should not violate any intellectual property rights.
- Logo design should be shared in JPG, or PNG
- No SIG-EduLearn officer can participate in the contest
- AI-generated designs or elements are not allowed
- Required size at least 300 DPI (The winner creator/designer should be able to provide a high-resolution vector graphic of the winner entry). If the file is above the maximum size for an attachment, share the file through Google Drive
- By participating in the competition, the winner creator/designer agrees to transfer all intellectual properties applicable to their entry to SIG-EduLearn. Non-winning creators/designers retain all intellectual properties associated with their submissions.
- The winning design will be selected by a panel of SIG-EduLearn members and announced on March 15, 2025.
- The contest is open to all individuals around the world, except executive members of SIG-EduLearn.
- Submit your design along with a short description (50-100 words) explaining its concept and symbolism until February 20, 2025.
- Submissions should include complete contact information for the creator/designer: name, email, phone, and address.
- Email your entry to faizavirgo@yahoo.com, with the subject line: "Logo Design Contest Submission - [Your Name]."