2021 Annual Meeting News

Paper / Panel / Alternative Event/Workshop Submission Deadline: April 19
The submission deadline is April 19 for Workshops, Papers, Panels, and Alternative Events. ASIS&T is happy to offer the 2021 Annual Meeting in a hybrid format to allow attendance and presentations both virtually and in person. Please review the FAQs for more information. To submit a proposal, please upload a Word document through the ConfTool Site. For detailed instructions for Doctoral Colloquium submissions, please see the separate instructions. Submissions (except for workshops and doctoral colloquium proposals which do not require the use of the template) should be formatted according to the AM21 Proposal Template and must comply with the page limits noted in the template. Please follow the naming conventions noted in the Instructions for Final Paper Submissions for Proceedings. If you would like some information on preparing your submission for each format, please watch the brief video presented by various Program Committee members.
The deadline for Posters is June 9 and the Doctoral Colloquium is June 16.
Travel Reservations
This is a reminder to make your hotel and airline reservations for the Annual Meeting early. Visit our website for information and great rates at the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek .
We hope you will take a minute to review the website to get familiar with Salt Lake City, which offers much more than world-class service and stunning scenery (though we are pretty proud of those). Salt Lake City has become an exciting foodie destination with a diverse and lively nightlife scene. And with Salt Lake's museums, festivals, incredible shopping, and awesome live-music venues, you won't even dream of hanging out in your hotel room during your downtime. What happens when you find so many fun things to do that you can't fit them all in? You turn that business trip into a vacation and add a day or two to your stay (it's called a bizcation).
Early Bird registration will open in June. Review the rates and deadlines on the website and take advantage of lower rates during the Early Bird period. There will be rates for in-person attendance as well as virtual attendance.
As you probably know, the 2020 Annual Meeting was scheduled to take place in Pittsburgh, PA. Once COVID-19 hit, we were forced to transition the meeting from face-to-face to a virtual meeting. The hotel allowed us to move the meeting to 2022 without penalty. We are happy to announce the 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, at the Wyndham Grand Hotel, October 28-November 1, 2022. Check out the preliminary information on Pittsburgh on our website. We will add additional information to the website in the next few months as those plans come together.
We have numerous webinars coming up in the next three months. On April 21, DCMI is sponsoring a webinar entitled “Introduction to the DDI Metadata Standard (DCMI).” Several SIG-sponsored webinars will be presented, including one by SIG-KM on April 29, SIG-IEP on May 6, SIG-VIS on May 27, and SIG-KM on June 3. We are very excited about the Sponsored Webinar we will offer on May 13, entitled: “Bringing Deeper Insight to Data: The Role of Info Pros in Text and Data Mining Initiatives”, which is sponsored by Springer Nature. Our ever popular “Meet the Author’s Series” continues on June 17. Check the website regularly as new webinars are being added weekly. Please visit https://www. asist. org/events/webinars/ to see the details. I encourage you to participate, as well as to consider submitting a proposal for a webinar.