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Inside ASIS&T, August 2020

From Your Executive Director

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Click below to view the August 2020 Vlog from Lydia Middleton, Executive Director. Return to Inside ASIS&T, August 2020

2020-25 Strategic Plan Approved

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At its August 19, 2020 meeting the ASIS&T Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan. This plan will guide the Board, staff, committees, SIGs and Chapters in their work over the next five years. New initiatives brought before the Board, which are strongly encouraged, will be evaluated within the context of how they fit…

August 2020 Governance Update

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July, 2020 The Board of Directors met on July 15, 2020 via video conference. In attendance were Clara Chu (President); Brian Detlor (President-Elect); Ina Fourie (Treasurer); Emily Knox; Agnes Mainka; Soo Young Rieh; Ana Maria Tammaro; Michael Olsson (Chapter Cabinet Director); Lydia Middleton (Executive Director); and Steve Hardin (Parliamentarian). AJ Million (SIG Cabinet Deputy Director)…

Annual Meeting 2020

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REGISTER NOW Plans for the upcoming 83rd Virtual ASIS&T Annual Meeting are well underway, and the scientific program is shaping up to be of superb quality! We are really excited to expand our global reach by offering the meeting virtually. The virtual meeting has also allowed for a much more diverse program, with presenters from…

Member Spotlight

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In the latest member spotlight, we spotlight long time member Dr. John Budd What attracted you to information science as a profession and field of study?  I earned degrees where I focused on American literature and started to do some enquiry into further graduate study. Library and information science appeared to offer me both a…

Chapter Updates

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European Chapter and European Student Chapter Newsletter Check out the newest joint newsletter from the EC and ESC of ASIS&T!  The newsletter editors Isabelle Dorsch and Franziska Zimmer of the EC and ESC did an excellent job! Don’t miss our interview series and reports about online conferences. Also, you find news about the Scientivity Contest.  Enjoy and please…

SIG News

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SIG-AH Deadline: 10 September, 2020 SIG AH is pleased to announce the call for nominations for officers for the 2020-21 year. We are seeking candidates for the open positions of Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Communications Officer, Membership Officer, Webmaster, and Newsletter Editor. The SIG AH Committee service is a wonderful opportunity to help drive research and scholarship…

Upcoming Events

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ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2020 December 12-13, 2020 School of Information Management, Wuhan University Wuhan, China In light of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee of the ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference has decided to virtually hold this conference. The new conference dates are set on December 12-13, 2020. We aim to provide opportunities for…

Upcoming ASIS&T Hours

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ASIS&T President’s Hour 2: Addressing Society’s Grand Challenges: ASIS&T Leadership Perspectives Then and Now  September 9th; 9 am ET Moderated by Kendra S. Albright, Professor, School of Information, Kent State University and Jia (Tina) Du, Associate Professor, STEM, University of South Australia Panelists: Toni Carbo (1990), Professor Emerita, School of Computing and Information, University of…

Affiliated Organization News

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NISO We’re delighted to announce that our next training series – Assessment Practices and Metrics in a 21st Century Pandemic – starts on September 18. Running from 11.30am – 1.00pm ET for eight weeks, through November 6, the 2020 version of this popular course will explore planning, management, and assessment practices in libraries during COVID-19.…